Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Look Back in Wonder/Horror

Yes, readers, it's time to review last year's FEARLESS PREDICTIONS to see how well (that is poorly) I anticipated 2011, back in 2010.
First of all, I fearlessly (foolishly) predicted the Dow Jones average would hit 14,000 by the end of this year. Ain't gonna make it, despite the recent surge. Republicans, far from claiming credit for the economic recovery are decrying the continuing problems, especially the unemployment rate that is still about nine percent, as predicted twelve long months ago.
Then, as if that wasn't bad enough, your prognosticator said the Red Sox and Rockies would play in the World Series. Who knew there'd be a September collapse for the Sox and the Rockies would never get rolling.
Internet speed keeps improving, as predicted, and the "aps" continue to grow like hobgoblins. This is especially true for me because I moved boldly into the 21st century (finally) with my very own high speed wireless connection.
We have kicked the can down the road by ignoring global warming for one more year. Senator Imhof managed to get through the whole year without publicly denying that warming is taking place, possibly because the GOP position has morphed to acknowledge that earth is getting hotter but it's natural and therefore nothing needs to be done.
Yet another bad prediction - no snowshoes for Christmas last year.
A better prediction - about ten Republicans did declare for president in 2011, though Sarah Palin was not one of them (yet). They have nevertheless given us plenty of entertainment, with Rick Perry filling in quite well for Ms. Palin.
Finally the prediction I'm saddest to say didn't happen. No lottery winner for this household.
Next time, FEARLESS PREDICTIONS for 2012!

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