Saturday, December 3, 2011


Well, after last year's mixed record, your FEARLESS prognosticator must summon all his courage (or chutzpah) to examine what hasn't even happened yet. But here we go!
Lets get the big ones out of the way right now. President Obama will be re-elected next November and by about the same margin he won by in 2008. His opponent will be Mitt Romney, the Stepford Republican, the Republican that three-quarters of Republicans would rather not have as their candidate.
Republicans will retain control of the House of Representatives and Democrats will cling to their majority in the Senate. Gridlock will continue.
Having disposed of the big predictions, we can now concentrate on things that are more fun. Wedding bells for Charlie Sheen and Lady Gaga! Or Brittney Spears! Or your own sister/daughter/mother/wife. Our boy Charlie does get around. (Ooh! Jennifer Lopez!)
There will be a record cold snap somewhere this winter, prompting some wag to say, "Well, we don't hear much about global warming today, do we, ha-ha."
My wife and I will take a summer vacation trip to Oregon to visit her college friend and family and see the sights. Our fifteen year old Honda will perform flawlessly. (I hope.) I'll be able to check one more state off my life list. That'll be forty-four. Forty-five if we go through Idaho.
Baby Violet Baril will sprout teeth, begin to walk and talk and be thoroughly adorable until about Christmas, when she will learn the word "No," and suddenly become impossible. That will last through 2013 and then she'll be sweet again.
There'll be additional baby news from one of our children, but I'm not saying which one.
My siblings will come to visit us in Colorado. They'll have a great time.
My wife will finally hold the monster garage sale she's been planning during all of 2011. We'll profit by about $50 for all our preparations. We'll then try to sell other items of Ebay, but with very little success. Eventually most of out stuff will get carted to Goodwill.
I will resume playing guitar after many years without the instrument. My righthand technique will get better. It couldn't be much worse.
There will be a major natural disaster somewhere in the world - tsunami, earthquake, hurricane, fire, who knows exactly what. Americans will not pay much attention unless it takes place in our own country.
That's because our attention will be riveted on the latest sex scandal. Now you'd think with all the trouble people get into because of their sexual yearnings they'd all learn to keep their pants zipped up, but no, celebrities will keep thinking they can get away with their dirty deeds.
Last but not least, I'll learn to play winning blackjack and will become a professional gambler. (This is a toned down prediction. Last year I said I'd win the Powerball lottery. Only time will tell.)

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